clear security
clear training

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Cyber Security Research & Training

Security Research

We are committed to providing the best quality and value to our clients, and to advancing the state of the art in cyber security. We publish our latest research via blogs and speaking opportunities at security conferences worldwide. We leverage our experience to help our clients identify, analyze, and defend against vulnerabilities in their systems and applications.


We build tooling to automate and assist reverse engineering and vulnerability research to enhance the security of our clients’ systems and applications. We are well versed in secure development, and building tools leveraging today’s modern software reverse engineering framework like Ghidra and IDA.


We offer clear, concise, and practical training courses that cover the latest techniques and tools in the field of reverse engineering and offensive security.

Topics include: vulnerability research, exploit development, modern RE tooling, SRE plugins,research automation, secure coding, continuous integration and delivery, and more.

About Us

ClearSecLabs LLC

At ClearSec Labs, we are passionate about empowering our clients to defend themselves against cyber threats by providing the skills and knowledge they need to identify, analyze, and protect against vulnerabilities in any system or application. We firmly believe that security is an ongoing process of education and improvement, not a one-time fix.

Whether it be a consultation or through one of our cutting-edge security course offerings, we want our customers to gain confidence and understanding of the low-level security implications of modern software. We would love to hear from you and discuss how we can help you with your security needs.

If you are interested in working with us, contact us today.


Both On-site and Virtual courses are available. See each course for details.

Everyday Ghidra

Practical Windows Reverse Engineering

Patch Diff In The Dark

RE and Root Cause modern CVEs

CVE North Stars

Kickstart Vulnerability Discovery

Upcoming Public Training

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Everyday Ghidra - Ringzer0

4-day - July 2024

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Patch Diffing In The Dark - Blackhat

2-day - August 2024

Book Aug 3-4 Book Aug 5-6
44CON 3day training
Patch Diffing In The Dark - 44con

3-day training September 2024



Recent Speaking and Training Engagements

  • June 2023

    REcon - Montreal

    Patch Diffing in the Dark - 2 days of workshops at Montrael’s primiere reverse engineering computer security conference

  • September 2023

    44con - London

    Conference speaking and training opportunity at 44CON, a public event bringing together the best in UK and International information security research and networking opportunities and trainer teaching

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    October 2023

    Blackhat's SecTor - Toronto

    SecTor has built a reputation of bringing together experts from around the world to share their latest research and techniques involving underground threats and corporate defences’, provided a chance to present CSL’s latest contribution to open source for ghidriff at Blackhat’s Arsenal

  • November 2023

    BlackAlps - Yverdon-les-Bains

    “Black Alps conferences are events enabling to discuss the latest threats, mitigations and advances in cyber security. The event features cyber security experts from Switzerland and abroad. It is addressed to anyone with an interest in cybersecurity or connected to the internet, e.g., CEOs, CIOs, CISO, CTOs, developers, and researchers.” CSL gave a talk on the main track presenting a slick patch diffing tool ghidriff

  • February 2024

    BOOTSTRAP Ringzer0 - Austin

    “BOOTSTRAP24 CONFERENCE, a one day event featuring world class speakers and instructors delivering keynotes, presentations and workshops. CSL provided a 90 minute workshop teaching students to leverage Ghidra for patch diffing.

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